Halloween/Fall Activities
“Halloween” by greger.ravik-Courstey of Creative Commons
Halloween is this Sunday.
With Halloween happening this weekend there are a lot of events going on celebrating the holiday:
-Sugar Will’s Halloween Party is happening this Saturday the event will be hosted at Will Henry’s Tavern and the party is giving customers the option to dress in halloween costumes.
-Halloween Magic Show is happening on Oct.30th at the Aurora Theatre. The act will be from 10:30 p.m. to 11p.m., the performing act will be Arthur Atsma.
-Haunted Carnival will be open on Halloween. The carnival will have special food and drinks for the event, a live DJ, and more.
-Trunk or Treat Family Fun will be hosted on Saturday. The event will be held at New Life Praise Center for kids to come and get candy.
-Flick or Treat at Coolray Field will be held at the stadium, costumes and booths will be set out around the stadium for kids to trick or treat around the field.

I am Madilyn Lineberry, this is my fourth year on staff. I'm a senior this year and have been working on the Chronicle. I still love the class and how...