In a future where apes have formed clans and humans have become feral, a young chimpanzee named Noa prepares for a coming-of-age ceremony. However, his village is attacked by ape raiders, led by Sylva, who kills Noa’s father and abducts the rest of his clan. Noa sets out on a journey to rescue his clan, accompanied by an orangutan named Raka and a human named Mae. Along the way, they encounter feral humans and face off against Sylva and his raiders. Noa discovers that Mae possesses knowledge of a hidden vault and a book that can restore speech to humans. They decide to work together to access the vault and destroy the settlement of Proximus Caesar, who has enslaved Noa’s clan. As they plant explosives and enter the vault, they realize it is a military bunker filled with weapons. Meanwhile, the apes grow suspicious of Mae. In their journey to rescue Noa’s abducted clan, Noa, Raka, and Mae face numerous challenges and obstacles. They navigate through dangerous territories, encountering feral humans who are hostile towards them. Noa’s determination to save his clan drives him forward, while Raka provides wisdom and guidance along the way. As they get closer to their goal, they learn that Mae possesses valuable knowledge about a hidden vault and a book that can restore speech to humans. This discovery strengthens their resolve to work together and find a way to access the vault. They believe that by destroying the settlement of Proximus Caesar, who has enslaved Noa’s clan, they can bring freedom and justice to their people. However, as they reach the vault and enter it, they realize that it is not what they expected. Instead of finding a treasure or a solution to their problems, they discover a military bunker filled with weapons.
This revelation raises questions about the intentions and motives of those who created the vault. At the same time, back in the ape clans, suspicions start to rise regarding Mae. The apes become wary of her presence and question her true intentions. This adds another layer of complexity to the already tense situation. With the story unfolding, the fate of Noa’s clan, the secret of the vault, and the true nature of Mae’s knowledge remain uncertain. The characters must navigate through these challenges, make difficult choices, and find a way to overcome the obstacles in their path. In the midst of their journey, Noa, Raka, and Mae encounter other groups of survivors who have formed their own communities in the post-apocalyptic world. These communities vary in size, structure, and beliefs. Some are peaceful and cooperative, while others are more aggressive and territorial. Noa, Raka, and Mae must navigate these different communities, forming alliances with those who share their goals and values, while avoiding conflicts with those who pose a threat. They learn about the different strategies and survival tactics employed by these communities, gaining insights into the diverse ways people adapt to the harsh realities of their world. As they travel, Noa, Raka, and Mae also encounter remnants of the old world, such as abandoned cities and crumbling infrastructure. These remnants serve as reminders of the civilization that once existed and provide clues about the events that led to the downfall of humanity. They also encounter remnants of technology and scientific experiments gone awry, adding a sense of mystery and danger to their journey. Throughout their adventure, the characters face personal challenges and inner conflicts.
Noa grapples with his responsibilities as a leader and his desire to protect his clan. Raka confronts his past and grapples with the weight of his wisdom and the choices he has made. Mae, on the other hand, struggles with her own secrets and the burden of the knowledge she carries. The story delves into themes of survival, identity, loyalty, and the consequences of human actions. It explores how individuals and societies cope with loss, adapt to new circumstances, and strive to find hope and meaning in a world that has been shattered. As the plot unfolds, Noa, Raka, and Mae’s determination to rescue Noa’s clan and uncover the truth about the vault and Mae’s knowledge intensifies. The challenges they face become increasingly dangerous, testing their resilience, resourcefulness, and the strength of their bond. Kingdom of Planet of the Apes is a 4-star reviewed movie with a 58-million-dollar interest rate from the box office. Today the movie is rated as the top viewed movie of 2024.