As the end of the year swiftly approaches, all seniors and parents need to keep in mind events and due payments coming up.
Senior dues cover all graduation related expenses and senior events. Dues are priced at $165 from Jan 1 through Feb 29. Anything after will result in an additional $20 as Scholastic Images late fee starts Mar 1. Any dues paid starting April 15, will also include a Scholastic Images $15 shipping fee, since this will be too late to include in the mass cap and gown delivery and pick up on April 15. In order to receive a senior t-shirt and a reserve spot for the senior picnic lunch dues must be paid by Feb 29. Families may go directly to Scholastic Images to be paid online HERE.[/infographicDues do not cover Prom, any sort of pictures, a yearbook, or any additional items you may want to buy to commemorate the year.
Cap and gown pickup will be on April 17 during all lunch periods. Students that have forgotten to pick up your order.. Cap and gowns not picked up on April 17, can be retrieved from Mr. Holbrook’s room located in A112.
On April 23, seniors can participate in the Senior Walk. Those participating will report to the Mill Creek tennis courts at 6 p.m. The Senior Walk is a tradition for Mill Creek seniors where they wear graduation gowns and walk with their class. The walk is a more casual event, students can dress comfortably in their graduation gowns.
Finally, graduation is set for May 22 at 8 p.m. located at Markham Field. Seniors have a mandatory practice the morning of graduation at 9 a.m. Students will receive approximately 12 tickets to distribute to friends and family. More specified report times for students will be released closer to the end of the school year. Students should also be prepared for the graduation dress code. Learn more about the dress code with this link!
Mill Creek also invites you to visit the Upcoming college events include instant decision day with Georgia Gwinnett College and University of North Georgia at Mill Creek in hallway F113. You must bring a charged chromebook to apply in the computer lab and will be given an instant decision. Monday, Mar 4 is GGC apply day and Monday Mar, 11 is UNG instant decision day.
Another college opportunity to take into consideration is Probe college fair. College and Universities representatives from across the country will be on campus Mar 27 to discuss with students the abroad opportunities.

Other events senior need to be on the look out for is the Senior breakfast that will be held on Saturday May, 4.
In addition Honors night will be held May 16 at 7 p.m. at North Metro Baptist church. Students being recognized will receive a formal invitation in early may.
Not mandatory but families and friends are invited to class of 2024, Baccalaureate service hosted at Hamilton Mill United Methodist Church on Sunday May 19 at 3 pm.
Scholastic images will be at school on Feb 21, so students interested may placed their order for a senior jersey soon. As Schoastic Images will be taking orders up until Sunday, Mar 3.

This year’s Senior student of the month was Abigail Davis. Davis had worked hard throughout out her highschool career.
To stay updated on current and upcoming events follow .. Instagram at @mill_creek_seniors.