Women’s History Month, during March, is a national holiday. This month represents the accomplishments and history of women, Britannia explained, “A chance to recognize women’s varied, and often under-recognized, accomplishments throughout history.” Originally it was not world wide nor was it a whole month long, stated Times Magazine, “Women’s History Month began as a local week-long celebration in Santa Rosa, California in 1978.”
They picked this week so that it fell on International Women’s Day, which is March 8th. International Women’s Day is a day celebrated globally, that represents the message of gender equality to spread awareness and create a more better society of people. The day also celebrates women and their social standards and rights.
March became the known month for all women in 1980. Women’s Rights before this time were unfair and unequal and women were discriminated simply for being a women. In June 1972, President Richard M. Nixon established and signed the Title IX Law into place, which “prohibited federal contractors from discrimination in employment on the basis of race, color, religion, or national origin,” according to Iram Valentin with the EDC.
The effect of the signing of this law heavily changed America and the Nation, stated R. Shep Melnick with the National Affairs’, “Its immediate effect was to open the doors of educational opportunity to women, and they soon rushed through.”
In times now, Women’s History Month is celebrated through television acknowledgments, speech’s, school recognition, and through the use of social media worldwide. Around the community, many events and showings are being held throughout the month. In Atlanta, there will be a Women’s History Month Pop-UP Market Place on March 9th. In College Park Ga, there will be a Women’s History Month Story Time and Crafts on March 8th. In Lawrenceville, there will be a Women’s History Month Celebration: Featuring Sistas of Soul from Live in Concert Productions on March 29th, as well as many more events that come later in the month.
Throughout the school, there is a club called Girls Everywhere Matter. This club includes all women of color, nationality, race, etc. It is ran by Dolapo Latinwo, 12, and Justine Phouangphet, 12, and they strive to help and encourage other women everywhere, Meghan Primm explained, “It started off as a club where girls and women could just communicate and bond with each other, then it grew into a community where girls volunteer in charity and things around the area sponsoring women, and this year we are about to start hosting a prom dress and accessory drive for girls around the school who need them.”