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CTAE Month

CTAE Month

CTAE stands for Career, Technological, Agricultural Education. During this month students take time to learn and talk to counselors and teachers about preparing youth for their future and making new advancements in the future. CTAE directly prepares students for high-wage, high-demand professions by educating them about careers. The programs cover various fields, including health care, audio & visual technology, marketing, finance and many more. The state of Georgia uses 17 Career Clusters that are structured to prepare students for Georgia’s workforce.

This month is when Georgia students become focused on improving and apply themselves to be their best future career selves. During this educational experience, tests are taken at the end of the course in order to see if the job you chose, taught you anything and if it suits you in the future. Students can select pathways that will prepare them for real-world careers from financial technology to flight operations, while earning recognized industry credentials and participating in work-based learning and apprenticeship opportunities. Pathway completers continuously record graduation rates above 97%, along with high placement rates in higher education and careers.

In order to be a great and qualified worker in Georgia’s economy and social work life, students must go through specific classes and work progressions in order to be a worker of the Georgia workforce and other working experiences. Three student pathways will qualify schools for the additional credit. Students can complete either technical certificates of credit through dual enrollment at TCSG institutions, accelerated career diplomas or CTAE programs in high-demand areas. The changes announced, were formed following multiple working sessions with superintendents and education leaders. They demonstrate the mutual commitment of the Kemp administration, GaDOE, and TCSG to giving students the skills needed to further strengthen Georgia’s workforce.

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