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Holiday sweater contest and Breakfast

Mill Creek senior breakfast where student were given Hot Chocolate and Coffee.
Mill Creek senior breakfast where student were given Hot Chocolate and Coffee.
Haley Houck

This event included was a special treat for seniors. Students started to show up around 6:30 a.m. in the commons. The idea for it was to get students to find their ugliest, coolest and best holiday sweater and wear it to school that day. Seniors received a cinnamon roll from Papa Jack’s and a cup of hot chocolate.

Tickets for the event on Fridays are to be received from your literature teacher. Students who are not currently taking literature may go see Mrs. Summerlin before the event.

best sweater you would of needed to submits a photo wearing a sweater at school on Dec 1. The photo should be submit to the senior Instagram’s account mill_creek_ seniors. During the following week the voting form will be sent out and will be award to the winners.

Senior students all around the school attended Fridays event.Ticket were mandatory before getting any food and treats.

Hudson Rials, 12, mentioned “I didn’t have my ticket initially, so a lady verified that I was a senior. I was there kind of early. When I got there was a good there was a good amount of people that showed up. Did people have like, sweaters on like ugly sweaters. Only a third of the 30 people that had sweaters on I don’t know how many people actually did the contest.” Rials describe the food to be something they threw together, however it was a nice gesture.

Another senior who attended said, “I didn’t have my ticket initially, so a lady verified that I was a senior. It was a normal day with coffee and food. I hope we do it again,” commented Andrew Cummings, 12.

Dj Idugboe, 12, describe the food to be something they through together, however it was a nice gesture, and goes on to remark, ” It really wasn’t a party more like come grab your food and go to first period. I got to school pretty late but I got into line but had to switch up, because the coffee line was to long.”

There were three lines serving cinnamon, coffee and hot cocoa. This years holiday sweater and breakfast event was enjoyed by many seniors.

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