Mill Creek Dance Classes Prepare for November Showcase
Cooper Constantino, 9, and Amirah Ashby, 10, practice their leaps in preparation for their upcoming performance.
October 14, 2022
In preparation for the november showcase, students in third and fourth period dance, Amirah Ashby, 10, and Irulan Forbes, 10, talk about the ways that they’re getting ready for the showcase.
When asked how she is feeling about the upcoming show, Ashby replied. “I feel really excited for the show. This is my second show since freshman year and I just feel really good about our show. We’ve been preparing for a while now and I love all of the dances so much.”
When asked about the same topic, Forbes said “Practicing for the shows is always super fun. It can be a bit anxiety-inducing because we have to perform in front of the school later on, but at the same time I love dancing and I feel really good about our showcase.”
Although both girls have started to prepare there’s still a long way to go since the showcase is a month away, they will still continue to practice and rehearse for the upcoming performances.