With years of experience in gymnastics, Klara Babb’s performance in cheer really stands out. Her mindset reflects her perspective of everyday life. Klara is very open minded and approaches each day as a new opportunity to get better in all aspects of her life. She approaches things with confidence and a can-do attitude. She is an amazing cheerleader that contributes to making people’s lives better.
In her youth Klara played gymnastics. When she got to high school Klara decided to give cheer a try. “Honestly I just thought it looked really cool, I just wanted a cheer jacket too,” Klara, 10 said. Klara made the junior varsity Mill Creek cheer team and currently cheers at all JV football games. She enjoys pumping people up at games and being with her cheer squad.
Klara is a sophomore at Mill Creek high school and is enrolled in the EPIC Program. “I felt like I was ahead in all my other classes and I wanted to change myself. I also just really like engineering.” Klara, 10 said. Klara felt freshman year in EPIC was a struggle compared to what she was used to. She had also mentioned the struggle of balancing her social life with academics. Klara felt the assignments were harder and the due dates came up faster than expected. Towards the end she was able to adapt to the new change as stay more on top of the work. One of her personal accomplishments was presenting at EPIC night to all the parents and family.

Klara is more than just a cheerleader, She enjoys giving back to her community in a variety of ways. She works with an organization called “Jambos” that helps package clothes for the kids in the foster care system as well as working with the Hamilton Mill Food Pantry. Klara grew up in a christian family. She is involved in her church and recently got baptized. She states that her faith grew more from that point. “I started taking my steps into faith and continuing those steps I learned to be a lot kinder and how to handle myself in certain situations.” Klara, 10 said.
In general, Klara is an amazing athlete and a great person. She loves to give back and help others who are not as fortunate as her. Klara has a mindset that sets her up for success and she does not allow others to get her down. She has made a positive image of herself at Mill Creek all around.