Ryan Ross is a senior at Mill Creek High School. During these four years he joined the Mill Creek Marching Band. He has also continued his love for swimming. Ross inspiration and the reason he became involved in swimming came from the heart, “I got into swimming because my dad did it, and I ended up enjoying it a lot.”
Starting to swim when he was six years old and continuing into high school changed his goals, “Some goals I set for myself was to make more than one state cut.” One of Ross, 12, favorite moments from this past season includes an achievement, “My favorite accomplishment from the high school season was going a fifty- four flat in my 100 fly.”
Becoming involved in the Swim Team at Mill Creek High School has impacted Ross, 12, life he says, “Being part of the Swim Team Community has put me in a position where I’m proud of my accomplishments, and I’ve made many friends because of it.”
Asking Ross, 12, how managing school life and swim life has impacted him, he says, “Balancing school and swim was hard sometimes my sophomore and junior years, but in all honesty it gave me a lot of discipline when it came to time management,” Ross, 12, mentioned along with the pressure he has gotten help from his peers saying, “I was very supported throughout my swim season from friends, family, and coaches.”