After the murder of the Mysterious Host, the Re-enacted Mysterious Host, played by Alley Saenz, 9, investigates the Pompus Millionaire, played by Omar Ruiz , 9.
Beginning of Intro Theatre’s “Murder in the Knife Room” as the Mysterious Host, played by Kendra Rowe, 10, is speaking to the Dirty Hippie, played by Kev Barnes, 9.
Group of actors performing one of the final acts of “Murder in the Knife Room”.
Respected General, played by Nicole Lin,11, with other cast members to prove their innocence in the case of the murder.
Santa Claus, played by Josh Hodges,9, the Elf, played by Camila Cook, 9, in a flashback scene as a Mall Santa.
Reckless Cowboy, played by Varyn Leaf, 9, as she introduces the audience to her family.
Mysterious Host, played by Alley Saenz, 9, investigating Flirt, played by Taylor Reagin, 9.
Pompous Millionaire, played by Omar Ruiz, 9, in a flashback act with promising gym students.
Actors hold hands before they bow after closing their first show as an intro class, “Murderer in the Knife Room.”