Rachel Davies

Ms. Summerlin, left, Mr. Holbrook, middle, and Ms. Gross, right, the senior sponsors posing for a picture at Senior Lunch.

Senior Sponsors Coordinate Beach-Themed “Senior Lunch”

Friday, March 24 the Senior Sponsors, Ms. Gross, Mr. Holbrook, and Ms. Summerlin organized a beach-themed Senior Lunch as the last addition to several other March Madness events.

Students were allowed to bring sunglasses, beach towels/blankets, frisbees, footballs and school appropriate beach wear on the day.

Sophia Gonzalez, 12, said, “I brought a ball and got to kick it around with my friends. It was good to have a nice break from school.”

This was accompanied by picnic food that “Skips Catering” provided to the students. Seniors ate grilled burgers and a variety of chips, drinks, and cookies. 

Cooper Lee, 12, said the food was great, “I got to lay down in the sun and eat cheeseburgers. I liked the onions on the burger. It makes them so much better” 

Various school faculty and staff volunteered to hand these out and help out with the music.

The Senior Sponsor page on Mill Creek website thanks parents and students, stating, “As always, we thank you for your support and willingness to always help. Senior events are not possible without you all.”