Mill Creek Hawks Celebrate State Championship Win
December 16, 2022
On Dec. 14, the Mill Creek football team, cheerleaders, and coaches went to Duncan Creek Elementary School to celebrate them winning the State Championship. On Dec. 11, Mill Creek High School went up against Carrolton High School. Mill Creek defeated Carrolton 70-35. This was the Hawks first time winning the state championship. Josh Lovelady, the head of coach of Mill Creek’s football said to the Gwinnett Daily Post in an interview, ““It’s unbelievable,” Lovelady said. “We were in a sense, building lockers, to now we’re holding a state championship trophy. That’s a long road that doesn’t come easy. It took a lot of hard work, (longtime head coach) Shannon Jarvis started this. We’re not here if he didn’t start that fire. We just put more logs on that fire.” DCES students stood along the walls of the hallways with handmade posters, screamed chants, and sang along to, “We Are the Champions,” which was playing as the football team made their way through the halls.