PG Stewart
Matthew Bennett an all grade level EPIC teacher.
Engineering is very important when it comes to Mill Creek. Our school strives for success from students and teachers. Only certain teachers can learn and teach a concept so complex for example Matthew Bennett. Bennett is one of our top engineering teachers and is head of our Epic program. Obtaining this important job didn’t come easy. Bennet had to teach at several schools and stay focused and studied a lot in high school and college, “I spent two years tutoring at College of Engineering. I went to school at Utah State University. It’s a lot more analyzing problems and understanding the math physics behind it, described Bennett.”
Bennett’s EPIC job requires a lot more than just teaching engineering to students. Even when teaching at Mill Creek, he stills has to learn other subjects like biology and math. He is the assistant teacher of Biology and Physics classes. He stated that being an EPIC teacher to him is considered an eye opening experience. He teaches his students with real life problems and situations that could happen out in the world. As a teacher, Bennet gives the ability to communicate and develop a relationship with his class. Most students within his class prefer other interesting subjects towards engineering, “It’s not just built around what we might consider liken the top of the class or the best kids it’s, we a majority of our students that aren’t even interested in engineering, nor stem, said Bennet.”
Apart of Bennett’s’ class gives students the opportunity to work with their hands and learn and develop new things. Teaching methods and collaboration between teachers in EPIC can be a positive thing between both people. Between teaching students in separate classes and other school issues there might be; Mr. Bennet is a strong, smart, and collaborative teacher who strives to do his best in everything he does. Bennett is a teacher students enjoy having around.