Spotlight: Kayla Jackson
May 3, 2023
Kayla Jackson is a senior at Mill Creek High School. On April 22, she was crowned Mill Creek’s Prom Queen, “… my friends pushed me to do it. So I posted about it and said, ‘You should vote for me.’ I didn’t make any posters because it was not a big thing for me and that is why I was so surprised.”
Jackson is on the student council, “… We represent the study body. We go to the school administration about prom decorations and different events we want to do,” says Jackson. She is also in the MCHS Microbiology Club.
Jackson says, “In Microbiology Club we promote handwashing, as well as Handwashing Awareness Week. We also donate to disaster relief and do a lot of volunteer work.” After high school, Jackson plans on going into the medical field, “My dad is a psychiatric nurse and so he is trying to get me to go into nursing. However, I am also thinking about dentistry or being an orthodontist.”
Throughout high school, Jackson took a majority of honor and AP classes. When dealing with academic pressures, she said, “Everything is hard because you don’t understand it yet. Once you learn the material and learn to manage your time, it will get easier.”
Jackson also points out that stepping out of your comfort is important when going through high school, “… you need to learn to be uncomfortable because sometimes all you need to do is give it a try.”